APR - JUN 2022



Game design • Character design • 3D Modeling


Unity • Blender

A single-player game that allows players to practice forming and maintaining eye contact. Its title, Bloom, represents the possible new relationships and opportunities that may be discovered if we overcome the fear. The major gameplay is to approach an eye and maintain eye contact with it for a random amount of time, then it will either turn into a poppy or thorny vines by random. The former increments the player’s score and heals, while the latter inflicts damage on collision (needs to be dodged).

play game


I curated a moodboard that represents the aesthetics of the world I have in mind. I envisioned it to be mostly monochrome and simplistic, with more color (red) brought into it as more poppies are formed. From there, I roughly sketched of how I imagine the world would look like.

I did not have previous experience with Unity or Blender, so I tried to keep the concept simple and design minimalistic to deliver a more complete product.


Early sketches of the character and world. To have the aerial view of the landscape resemble an eye, I planned to place a circular staircase in the middle that eventually leads to the highest point of the world.

character design

The character (avatar of the player) is named Poppy. Its mission is to observe and find beauty in the world (an abstract, deserted imaginary landscape) – and ultimately itself – through its eye. The choice of flower references a poem I really like – Poppies in July by Sylvia Plath. In the poem, poppies live in the poet's internal landscape, with imaginations associated with hurt, numbness, and escapism. These symbolisms serve as inspirations for my game and set a somewhat eerie tone for it.

world building

Here are screenshots that display a comprehensive view of the world built in Unity.

final game

Here is a screenshot of the final game and instructions for how to play.

try it yourself

music credits

(retrieved from the Youtube Audio Library)

Spirit of the Dead by Aakash Gandhi
Crossing the Threshold - Ghostpocalypse
by Kevin MacLeod
Epilog - Ghostpocalypse
by Kevin MacLeod

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

tutorials referenced

Blender Beginner Intro
Cartoon Eyes
Creating Stylized Hair
Animating a Blooming Flower
Hair Rigging and Animation

Making Vines/Thorns in Blender

Making an RPG game in Unity
Blacking out Lighting
Modeling stairs in Unity
Making a Mirror in Unity
Spawning Objects at Random Positions
Randomize Scale
Shooting Enemies with Raycast
Kill Enemy Script
Enemy Drop Loot
UI Health Bar in Unity
Decrease Health on Collision
Scoring System
Start and Game Over Screens