APR-JUN 2021



User research • Storyboarding • Competitive analysis • Wireframing • Branding • Prototyping • User testing



A food content app targeting college students. It centralizes recipes, food-related articles, community groups, and grocery shopping features. This project is done as a group of 3. As the design lead, I contributed the most on the visual aspect of the app, including the logo, style guide, and UI.

try our prototype


We first conducted online secondary research to broadly understand the problem space and our target users (college students).  Then, we conducted storyboard interviews with specific interviewees to gain further insights on the challenges they face when preparing their meals. Here are our key insights:


We first came up with a list of adjectives of the brand image we want to convey. From there, we came up with a color palette, curated a moodboard, and created style guides.

key user flows

I. Home: Browse and search for recipes, add ingredients to cart, and grocery shop
II. Explore: Discover food-related articles and personalize what content to see more or less
III. Community: Join community groups, view recipes within group, and discuss relevant topics

user testing

We conducted user testing on the prototype and optimized the app based on constructive feedback acquired.


Some extra materials to learn more about our early stages:
paper sketches
low-fi wireframes

final prototype